Community Impact

Purple Haze hosts SMART (Science, Mathematics, and Robotics Technology) camps in the summers to give kids an introduction into the world of FIRST and encourage them to continue their involvement in robotics by serving as friendly and informative role models in STEM.

Kushaal working with students at SMART Camp

Championing FIRST

LASA Robotics has lived out its FIRST mission in innovative ways, from mentoring an Albanian FLL team with an alumni correspondent, teaching remote workshops at the Cambodian Royal University of Phnom Penh, building and donating a robot for emergency responders, demoing robots at schools, libraries, and recreation centers, and hosting a demonstration at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference to showcase FIRST to more than 150 companies and educators from around the world.

LASA Robotics currently mentors rookie FLL teams in Austin and India, outfitting them with start-up kits and coaching them on the rules of the game and their robot designs. We are also dedicating hundreds of volunteer hours at the Central Texas FLL scrimmages and competitions and are excited to return to hosting an FLL qualifier serving 24 local teams from our new East Austin campus. FIRST in Texas reports that there are significantly fewer registered FLL teams in Central, East, and South Austin than in West and North Austin and Purple Haze has the unique talent, brains, and will to nurture these startups, with the assistance of sponsor funds.

Students working on power transmission modules at a Fungineering Workshop

Learning Partners

Our passion for teaching others about science and technology inspires us to find new ways to spark curiosity and make a direct impact on the Austin community. Our Fungineering Workshops at the Willie Mae Kirk branch of the Austin Public Library is one example of a mutually beneficial partnership that accomplishes this goal. If you are an educator or represent a community group and would like to discuss ways our team members can share their love of robots with other curious minds, please contact us to brainstorm a partnership that will meet your community’s needs.